The other day I received an opt-out to the Oddpodz ezine email. A long time reader, this person explained they preferred a great story and felt when we offered several stories with a link to the full site it felt to him like not-cool marketing.

When anyone opts out, I try not to take it personal or wig out, but I am always curious to why they are moving on. I called this chap and emailed him right way. I explained that beyond my blogging, Oddpodz now had other experts chiming in, plus we have a diverse readership that I try to feed with useful content, and  the one story approach did not allow me to do that. I understand that no blogger can please everyone, but I’d like to know what you think?

Please comment on this post, so if we need to make some changes to the format or content we will.

  1. Do you like the Oddpodz weekly ezine with one full story?
  2. Do you like the Oddpodz ezine with several teaser paragraphs from different stories and then links back to the full steak? Or if you are a vegetarian, full potato?
  3. How often do you want to receive the ezine? Once a week, once a month, couple times a week?
  4. What subjects would you like to see covered more often?

Thanks for your feedback! We appreciate it.

And FYI, thanks to readers like yourself, our traffic is up over 150%!!


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