3 marketing tips to build your brand with college market.
1) Summer can be a slow season for many college campuses, but schools which operate on a quarter system will be in session through June. This is a perfect time to try a pilot campaign for just a week, so you can make tweaks over the rest of the summer and run a full program during Fall semester.
2) Student organizations begin planning for the academic year in July. They begin scheduling guest speakers, laying out meeting calendars and planning events. This is a good month to start contacting student organizations. Don’t waste your time trying to reach every student group on campus; target organizations strategically. Choose student organizations that have membership or a message relevant to your business. Run an MCAT test prep course? Talk with pre-med students or groups like Phi Delta Epsilon.
3) During the school year keep your eyes open for opportunities to partner with other campus reps. Would your headphones pair nicely with the mp3 player offered by another rep? Maybe you sell computer accessories that compliment the laptop another rep is exhibiting. Consider sharing booths or tables with other reps to save on event costs and to make your demonstration more interactive, and more attractive, to students.
4) The success of a campus rep campaign depends on the rep you hire. A great creative team is important, but if you have a bad rep you just have a marketing plan sitting on your desk, it has no legs..no one carrying your message! Don’t let all your creative work go to waste. Put more time into recruitment, training and rep management and your campaign will yield better results. You can do this internally, or you may wish to team up with a company which specializes in campus rep services.
Tips provided by Adam Grant, CEO of Campus Commandos. www.campuscommandos.com