We bring you the best FREE products, services and tools to grow and market your dream. Small Business Freebies
We know that building a successful business is no cakewalk. Your time is precious and finding creative ways to market your goods and services, learning about new products and services, and accessing resources are critical tasks you need to accomplish.
We know there’s a lot of cheesy FREE stuff out there.
That’s not us. We will do our best to provide only valuable FREE Biz Findz. Like great FREE ebooks, FREE branding audits, FREE media lists and FREE try before you buy trials of business tools.
We scour the planet and the Internet to find the very best FREE stuff for businesses and business people. We organize it, update it, and post reviews regularly so that you can get right to the stuff that can help you.
So how do Oddpodz and FREE Biz Findz go together?
When we started this company in 2006, our mission was to build a community for creative professionals and business people. We envisioned an online destination where buyers and sellers could come together, learn, collaborate, network, and share and generate ideas. While our community continues to grow, we want to offer valuable new features to our members. From our community, we discovered that in today’s business and online environments, many people share these five things in common.
1) A shortage of time.
2) An overwhelming supply of information to wade through daily.
3) An ongoing to desire to find valuable, business building resources
4) A desire to “try before you buy” business services
5) A universal interest and appreciation for FREE stuff
And so our FREE Biz Findz feature was born.
What makes our FREE Biz Findz different?
There are many other sites that offer FREE products and services on the Web. Most appeal to the consumer shopper. Oddpodz is dedicated to business owners, entrepreneurs, business people and creative service professionals. The Oddpodz team will investigate every single FREE Biz Find we post and we report on what we think. However, we cannot and do not guarantee you will have the same experience. And we are not responsible for any personal data you share with a resource once your leave our site. Use common sense when you visit other sites.
Have a suggestion for a FREE Biz Find you’ve experienced?
Or are do you or your business have something of value you can offer our community, that’s FREE? This can be a good way to let prospects sample your services and generate new business leads.
Send us an email at info@oddpodz.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it If we think it’s worthy and valuable we’ll add it to our directory.
Help us, help others.
Do you know of FREE Biz Findz in these categories? Drop us an email today. info@oddpodz.com
Are you a business with a FREE offer with a time window?
Learn about sponsoring a FREE Biz Finds. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . Your offer can appear in our weekly ezine, our blog and in a banner ad.
Are you a business looking for qualified leads and have a FREE offer?
Learn about sponsoring a FREE Biz Find.This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Your offer can appear in our weekly ezine, our blog and in a banner ad with a dedicated landing page to qualify the leads.