2010 is soon to be done, it’s time to plan 2011. Develop your strategies wisely being honest to yourself and to your customers, partners and projects. You have a full month left to develop this before a new year starts all over! Our team of bloggers have been focusing on this for the past few days. Get inspired!
1 – In Bahamas, beach cats and branding, Karen Post tells us what it’s like to be the Branding Diva and getting to go talk to great people, in great locations, about great subjects. Karen was in the Bahamas to speak about branding to destination companies and event planners. She shares her PowerPoint deck from the program, her content highlights and an original song parody she wrote to a Bob Marley tune which she renamed: Get up! Brand-Up! Listen to it, you’ll want to dance all day! Read Karen’s great insights here.
2 – About two weeks ago, Jocelyn Ring gave us takeaways on a must-read book: Cruch it! by Gary Vaynerchuck. It’s an amazing read from zero to $60 million in sales!
3 – In Outdoor advertising – effective tool? Dangerous Distraction, Joe Melle answers a question you might have asked yourself: would a billboard advertising campaign be good for your business? From the history of billboard advertising, to its future with the digital form, Joe does not forget anything about this kind of media. Will it be an objective for your 2011 marketing strategies? See Joe’s answer here.
4 – In If I would have known this sooner, things might be very different, Karen Post sums up 4 guidelines to follow to make your life rock. Inspiring, as always. Get tuned up with these wise words from Karen, read them here.
5 – In Got flaws? How flaunting them can help your credibility, Karen tells us about one of her experiences where she actually talked about her imperfections. In this world in which everybody tries to sell themselves as a perfect person, being able to recognize that things are not always that good makes you score honesty points! Learn how to use it well reading Karen’s post here.
6 – In Sales person or a trusted advisor. Who are you?, Clint Babcock, our professional sales manager trainer, gives a powerful piece of advice: act like you are a trusted friend of your prospect who does not need the sale. Results are warranted! Check out Clint’s words here.
7 – Do you have two time-consuming projects that you love but still can’t figure out which one to dedicate more time to? In Torn between two lovers, no different than business priorities, Karen explains to us how to make priorities showing us the way she allocates her time to both her consulting business and Oddpodz. Learn how Karen does it here, then do it yourself.
8 – In Stale website just as bad as stale bread- YUCK, Karen mentions a very important rule to keep your visitors entertained: stay active and bring fresh content. Also, she gives us two great sources: Tim Ash’s Marketing Profs and Clay Collins Pre-launch Formula mentor program. For having personally checked out the second one, it is really worth the visit! See Karen’s thoughts concerning these two programs here.
9 – In 12 Questions to ask yourself while planning your 2011 marketing strategies, Jocelyn Ring overlooks the points that you need to focus on to prepare your 2011 (yes, already!) marketing strategies. Among all of the thoughts she develops, there’s one that I strongly believe nobody in business should ever forget: Respect your customers! Without them you would not be here. You might like another point better, so be sure to make the best out of Jocelyn’s tips here.
10 – Twitter in the am, twitter in the pm. I know, we can’t live without it anymore! Yet, like every thing we deal with on a daily basis, we think we know it well but it’s not for certain! In 5 Free twitter tips to follow, to gain followers, Lauren Angrick lists up a handful of advice which will give to your twitter experience a shot of B12. Check Lauren’s tips here.
11 – Do you know what the 106 impossible things before breakfast are? Karen Post does after reading the book by Dr. Robert Quine and John Nolan. It’s about ways to discover a lot of difficult tasks, if you start early enough. Karen Post shares tips and solutions on how to solve what you think may be impossible. Check out Karen’s post here.
12 -In Can vision kill your game?, Karen Post discusses her struggle on the tennis court and how you can relate it to business challenge and competitors. This very inspiring read will make you think twice about giving up the task at hand. You can read this post here.
That being said, what are your plans for 2011? Make it the best year ever!