Demandbase is a technology company helping B2B companies generate sales leads. Demandbase was founded in 2006 and is funded by Adobe Systems (NASDAQ:ADBE), Altos Ventures and Sigma Partners. They have a suite of lead generating, useful services and products. Demandbase Stream and Central are FREE and ideal for business development for larger companies those who are trying to connect with larger prospects .
Demandbase Stream™ — A free browserless web application that enables sales and marketing people to track and maximize Web traffic in real-time. The app lets you see what companies are coming to your site. You must enter with a company email address, no gmail or other free accounts. After you download the app, they send you a code. You can add the code to as many pages on your site as you wish and there is only one ID code per company. Download is restricted to B2B enterprises.
Demandbase Central™ — The online platform quickly ( in around 10 seconds) delivers quality, lead data for B2B sales and marketing professionals. Enter in your desired target industry; type of contact person etc you are seeking and the system capsules the size of the market via its data files, which are compiled by several major data sources. From there, it ranks your data and provides you a single file cost for the extended info including contact, email, phone etc. You can purchase a company or lead for under $1.00 – $5.00 through the Demandbase Direct™ product. Both are useful and should you need to buy a file, no subscriptions are required.
Cost: FREE
Oddpodz review:
I recently downloaded a FREE software widget from Demandbase, which is called Demandbasestream. It lets me see the businesses visiting my web site, their interests, and whom to contact for sales and marketing follow up. It’s designed for businesses selling to businesses with annual sales greater than $5 million. So if you are not going after that market, it’s not for you. But if you are, it’s very cool. It works like a news ticker, delivering web traffic across your desktop. The service automatically filters out ISPs and can even be set up by sales territory. It even shows me how they found me and if they used a key word. I love this!