None of the above will change your business or your destiny. Sure these things will help move your butt along and provide some superficial joy, but the only thing that can really make some serious stuff happen is YOU.
And if you are like most humans, this action or radical change will come only after YOU feel enough pain (in your check book, on your happy meter) or you experience “in-your-face fear “about something (a big uncertainty that scars the crap out of YOU) before you initiate any real change to produce significant results.
This past year I’ve been rocking. I scored a very big assignment (6-figure) from replying to a twitter post last August, a global roll out of a new brand. It’s been an exciting ride, I’ve produced a ton of work product and have earned a nice fee for my talents. That’s all good, but it recently has created a mood of complacency and some procrastination on other projects that I should be all over, and I was not.
Don’t get me wrong, slacking I’m not—hitting as many home runs as I have in me—that I’m guilty of.
In my fog of pondering about this average zone I’ve been in, I did remember that my big project may be ending at the end of the year. For me, that was the “in-my-face fear” I needed to make some adjustments in my program.
So here’s what I done to make some new progress, to take my game to next level and not just be your average Jane entrepreneur, but the superstar DIVA who is enjoying an extreme place of new adventures, income and fun.
4 steps that I taken in the past few weeks that are already making a measurable difference in my world.
1) I hired a performance coach. Through the Tony Robbins companies, I committed to 6 months of added accountability, learning more about my personality and how to leverage those attributes, and how to master the skill of replacing negative stories that hold you back and replace them with ones you passionate own that will propel you to new heights. This was not a light weight investment, in fact, it was around $4500. If you work independently, like I do, I highly recommend doing this from time to time. I’ve done it in the past with other specialists (comedy, tennis, time management), they were not cheap either, but I’ve always gotten an excellent ROI. One significant milestone takes care of the expense. I’ve only had one session, and I’m already enjoying the benefits from my coach.
Should you decide to work with any kind of coach, the keys are: clear expectations and your commitment, or it will be big waste of money.
The role of a coach is not to do your work or even give you answers. Those will come from a consultant. A coach is there to support you, challenge your thinking and behavior and sometimes verbally kick your butt. It’s very important that you have good chemistry with your coach and you both do your homework on each other. Get to know their world, their success rate, so you will respect support and advice. At the end of our first call, guess what, I had homework.
2) I did my homework.
My coach asked me to commit to do something aligned with my next 90 days goals. For me it was make 10 cold, new business speaking calls a week. DONE. She also asked me to list 10 things that I will own and believe about me. DONE. The last item was, she asked me to list things that I can loose, if I don’t own the previous list. DONE. None of this felt like a toot canal. In fact, it was powerful stuff.
3) I read an awesome book.
It’s called Finding your Focus Zone: an Effective New Plan to Defeat Distraction and Overload by Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino
I don’t think I’m alone, but technology and life in general is very distracting to me. I admit I’m a right-brainer, so my tendency to wonder and dream at my desk can be higher than average. Lately, I’ve had an extra tough time focusing. Part of it is too many big things starring at me, and the other part is brain freeze. This happens when I can’t seem to find the answer to a challenge. Both make me feel stressed. This book is worth these read. She offers simple keys to unlock the fuzz and regain the focus. Again, I have experienced increased productivity after reading this and it was enjoyable to read as she chronicles clients that sound a lot like me.
4) I started a fire.
Not literally, but metaphorically. Last week I told you all about three, female power bloggers, Elizabeth Potts Weinstein, Gretchen Rubin and Danielle LaPorte. I explained that one of the best ways to learn is to watch others that are doing it well, as patterns of success are often evident. I also promised that I’s was buy their products (if they had any) and that this is another way to gain insight. Turns out Elizabeth Potts Weinstein is working on some new products, Gretchen Rubin had the book The Happy Project, which I also bought, just have not read yet and Danielle LaPorte had something called The Fire Starter Sessions. The Fire Starter Session is one of the most well done, video and workbook programs I’ve seen. Saying it is White Hot is an understatement! It’s fun, entertaining and provides a unique, high-value way to clarify business goals, examine personal junk you need to dump and sparks up the get back on the make some Sh– happen road TODAY. Danielle’s style is hip, smart and relevant. She is honest and strive to get you in that same place. I’m not a big fan of filling out 20 page questionnaires of inner discovery, I could not put this booklet down and look at it every day.
Did I forget to talk about the lucky lottery ticket? NO. But I don’t believe it plays any big part in the formula for happiness and success. Lottery tickets and the winnings have screwed up many lives, in fact in Tampa, some dude just got killed over his. The one and only invitee to your success party is YOU. You’ve got to want it, clearly know what you want and take responsibility to get it. Yes, I’m a big proponent of investing in yourself, personal development and learning every day (saying you don’t have the time or resources is lame excuse), YOU are driving the car.
For more on coaching, check out: Hiring a coach is a waste of money, unless you show up.
Your writing helped me for my university job on time. I think I will give my task next week.