Last Oddpodz wrap-up of 2010! The O-Team wishes you happy holidays and hopes 2011 will bring you much joy and success.
1 – In Mind freeze, is there a fast way to thaw your thoughts? , Karen shows us the extent to which procrastination hit her during one weekend. For those who know Karen, this doesn’t sound like her. But hey! We all have our ups and downs and it’s okay. What really matters is our ability to always challenge ourselves to find new efficient ways to beat procrastination. Karen also gives us an insightful source that I advice you to check out. Read Karen’s article here.
2 – Yeah we all have ups and downs, and in Tiger Woods and other Monday morning losers, Karen gives her 7 insights to get through an unsuccessful period for whatever you are doing. Read Karen’s 7 steps to be a winner here.
3 – In Can a monkey make our mail better? , Oddpodz switches email services to Mailchimp from Feedblitz. Is this tool the best solution? Karen talks about why the company changed, new features and challenges. Read email story here.
4 -In Trading your time for money is a mind set you can no longer afford, Thomson Dawson shares his point of view concerning a matter that we all meet in our business: time. He argues the fact that in the society we live in, getting paid on a timely basis is no longer what needs to be done. It is now all about the value you add to your customers’ business and the level of satisfaction they get from it. Read Thomson’s ideas here.
5 – In Do you have what it takes to be an unstoppable entrepreneur?, Karen becomes a box office critique. Her entrepreneurial lifestyle got energized with a movie break. Karen gives us the take-away advices she brought back from the viewing of Unstoppable (With Denzel Washington and Chris Pine) and her thoughts on Love and other Drugs. Check Karen’s few entrepreneurial-minded thoughts here.
7 – In If you are going to tweet, why not make it really sweet, Lauren Angrick lists 5 tools which help your business to manage its twitter account and followers. FriendOrFollow, Twitoria, WeFollow, Twellow and Just Tweet it all get Lauren’s thumbs up. Read Lauren’s reviews here.
6 – In Coupons, Groupon and gambling with a brand, the Diva is back and we love that! Karen hits strongly and tells us why she is not a coupon fan. According to her, if you are peddling a premium product or service, couponing can hurt a brand. However, she also understands that the world is made up of many diverse market segments and a discount play can work for some offerings. Also check out her thoughts on Groupon, this startup which deny Google’s $ 6 billion offer here
8 -In Inspiration and gratitude from 30,000 feet, Karen shares her experiences from a week in the Big Apple. NYC is such a source of inspiration for any entrepreneur and KP filled up the box of ideas and kept us updated on what’s hot in Manhattan! Thanks to Google’s holiday gift, this article was sent from the sky via FREE Internet service to all on her flight, check it out here!
9 – In Hitting the streets in NYC, flavors, history and tired feet, Karen shares her journey from the streets, food tours, dining and marketing. Have a bite of the Big Apple experience here.
10 – In What Jimmy Fallon taught me about marketing, Karen tells us the insight she got from attending NBC’s Late Night with Jimmy Fallon show. From customer service, to enhancing the brand experience to how humor feels good and should be incorporated in business. Great points to read and get inspiration from here.
11 – A weekday radio program geared towards small businesses invited Karen back to their show. View Small Business Advocate radio show to feature Karen Post to learn tips on how to retool, recraft and reinvent your venture and stay tuned for the posted radio segment here.
2010 was great year. We hope you gained as much as we did from our journey together. If there are specific things you’d like to learn about next year, please drop us a note.