Does your brand pass the distinction test? 7 telling questions
If you covered up your logo on your Website, your brochure or one of your important marketing tools, would the market know it was your brand? Do you stand out from the pack or do you blend in and reflect the same concepts, visuals, copy points and features as your competition?
As outlined in my recent book, Brand Turnaround, through which I tell the stories of more than 75 brands, Game Changers are key concepts to brand transformation. If you've been following my article series on turnaround, you will recall that I've introduced you to six Game Changers: Take Responsibility, Never Give Up, Lead Strong, Stay Relevant, Keep Improving and Build Equity. In addition to these six, there is one last Game Changer—Own Your Distinction. And, for many brands, this is one of the most important strategies of them all.
The Brand Buck Stops with You
60 Minutes is at the door are you ready to defend your brand? The business world is uncertain, risky and forever changing, it's no surprise that your brand will probably face some rocky roads throughout its lifetime, along with a little uninvited media attention. Whether due to a natural disaster, a product recall, a competitor’s maneuver, bad judgment, a customer complaint or some other factor, your brand strength could be put to the test when you least expect it.
Branding and the Beast- How to not get bullied
Part 1
New brands are created each day. Many will make it, many will not. And many will face unexpected challenges that result in brand breakdowns.
Should your brand go bad from
- A product recall
- A scandal
- A major market shift
- Or some really bad luck
Small Business Advocate radio show featured Karen Post in two-part interview
My good friend Jim Blasingale, fellow entrepreneur and host of The Small Business Advocate Radio show, invited me back to his show this morning, Monday, at 7:00 AM Eastern time. If you missed it, click [...]
Hitting the streets in NYC, flavors, history and tired feet.
It's freezing in New York, but fun and stimulating! First thing, check into my hotel. I am staying at a small boutique property on upper West Side (I'll share the details on this property at [...]
Can a monkey make our mail better?
I sure hope so. Many other cool companies like TED, MTV and Vera Wang like the hairy, cute MailChimp guy. Switching email services is always a bear even if it's named after a monkey. We've [...]
12 Questions to ask yourself while planning your 2011 marketing strategies
In January, I decided to make 2010 my fittest year ever. So far, so good. I made a plan, stuck to it and have seen results. I have been hitting the gym, running, logging one [...]
Stale website just as bad as stale bread-YUCK
Want return visitors, got to provide fresh stuff. I'm guilty. Been busy working on content and other things and failed to see the mold growing on my site that hadn't changed much since the relaunch [...]
How one blog post bumped my traffic up 300%: And four simple ways you can apply these tips to your blog.
I’ve read about these power posts, one hot post and a blog star is born. Now I can say I have one! A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog post on how I [...]