Magnifying glass on the decline of civilization site Perezhilton isn’t known for its subtle approach to the finer subtleties of the written word; indeed, “Sperminated!” may someday come to replace “in a motherly way.”
But, one thing we have noticed and on which we begrudgingly compliment Mr. Hilton is his impressively appropriate use of “you’re” and “your” (see example below); impressive because it is one of the most infuriatingly common mistakes around.
After the jump, a small collection of disasters that you’re organization would be wise not to make.
A cliche? –
Who needs teh engrish when you have billions in subsidies? –
The last one’s the best because, well, it’s Ohio. (Go Badgers!)
Use this opportunity to right now to your organization’s website, your blog or even your online dating profile, hit Ctrl-F or Apple-F (or use the search function) and type in both “your” and “you’re” and make sure all are used appropriately.