These past two weeks our mantra has been Quality over Quantity. Here are 6 posts that deserve to be read for their insight.
1 – In Does what’s after the @ matter?, Joe Melle gives us his point of view about folks who use gmail or yahoo email accounts for business purpose. No doubt, make sure you do get a for your own sake. Joe tells you why. See Joe’s post here.
2 – In 6 surefire ways to use internal links to keep visitors longer and get noticed by search engine spiders,Lauren Angrick let us know about the power of internal links and how to give a second exposure to previous stories. Lauren tells you how to do it here.
3 – In Blending in is so yesterday: Stand-up, Brand-up!, our Branding Diva, Karen Post, gives away a precious piece of advice when it comes to marketing yourself: Be different. In her post, Karen challenges us to re-evaluate our business and to which extent it stands out from the competition. But that is not it! You will find a test to check how outstanding your business is and 26 tips to be and remain one of a kind! See Karen’s post here.
4 – In How much is too much email?, Karen Post asks a simple question and the debate is open. Let us know, what do you think is too much email? It’s also the opportunity for our CEO to let you know how Oddpodz is going to work from now on. See Karen’s post here.
5 – In How social media can generate sales. 5 avenues to new customers, Jocelyn Ring highlights the power of a social media strategy for a business. She gives us an example about how she became the fan of an online brand thanks to their social media orientation. Make sure you read Jocelyn’s post here.
6 – In 5 inspirational ideas and 2 revelations from an adventure to Chicago, Karen Post shares her pastweekend highlights with us. She writes about inspiring places in the Windy City while, at the same time, sharing her not-so-fun experiences. You won’t want to miss Karen’s post here.
Let us know, which insight has been the most helpful for you this week?