Getting your news out to solid news outlets is a good thing. Spamming people through wire-type services is not. If you access any of these FREE distribution services, pick 2 or 3 and submit different news angles and modify the copy accordingly. Should you have the resources to pay a distribution company, the fee will start at $400 and go up. Your deliverables may vary and could include: more reports, more targeted lists and ability to add images. We also strongly recommend you build your own media contact list. Also see FREE Findz #5 this week for a FREE trial to media lists.
Here are many viable news release distribution sources. We have selected just two to try.
Cost: Zero
Oddpodz review:We will post our comments about our experience soon. The week of 11.15.08 Oddpodz sent out a news release using the following 2 services with different headlines/angles. We will post about the experience next week.
Selected free distribution services:
We have not tried all the other companies, but invite you to. Please post comments about your experiences with them so others in our community can learn.