Using video is like adding high-octane fuel to a Hennessey Venom. In case you missed it, because you blinked, this year the Hennessey Venom GT broke the world speed record at 270.49 mph at the Kennedy Space Center.
“Video has been the fastest and most consistently growing medium for content marketing,” said Lori Rosen, Executive Director, Custom Content Council.
Want more traction on your Website and social media channels? Add video.
Branded video is sharable.
It can become viral.
Today everyone can use video.
I recently added video to my branding tool kit. When I speak, I open every brand talk with my Branding Boogie music video. The video tells a story about boring Bob’s brand and his cry for help. This drama sets the tone for my presentation message. Boring will get you nowhere.
Then after my talk, I close the presentation with this 1-minute video and chorus of the song Branding Boogie “Brand up Baby!”
Watch the Branding Boogie video here
Using video in a presentation is a powerful way to get the audience’s attention and project a consistent brand essence. Like in my case, that’s fun, entertaining and bold. So I produced this video with the help of my long-time, trusted broadcast resource, Christian Schwier and Litewave Media. They are a great firm to work with – always professional, creative and deliver on time and on budget.
Beyond professionally produced videos, this year I’m committed to creating more videos myself too. With an iPhone and iMovie, there’s no reason not to take advantage of this high impact branding method.
Research confirms the muscle of branded video.
Videos in a Tweet can bump engagement 28% according to Twitter’s media blog. Facebook’s stats show even more. Expect a 120% higher hit rate when videos are posted on your Facebook business page.
Got 6 seconds? Twitter Vine is short, sweet and can help you sell.
I just downloaded the app on my iPad and iPhone. I have not mastered it yet, but am working on it. I did find this excellent article with helpful tips and examples on using Twitter’s Vine video to build your brand and this one by always entertaining Gary Vaynerkchuk too.
Got a big budget? Check out what Chipolte did.
Last week the Groupon content team asked three branding experts for their favorite food branding examples. I cited Chipotle and how they used video to share their social values and further build their brand with a comedy series they call “Farmed and Dangerous.” The satirical video puts a dark light on corporate agribusiness. Even though Chipotle’s brand role is almost absent until the end, they used entertainment and value spotlighting in a very provocative way to let the public know their views about this issue. Read branding experts favorite food brands article here.
Video is where it’s at. What are you doing to add it to your brand arsenal?