New business development is critical to business success.
You can worry all day, stress all night and those actions won’t get you anything but a bigger ulcer. Or you can change that channel and put every ounce of your energy and being on smart ways to bring in new business. New business from the rights customers can fix a lot of your problems.
A social/community tool that becomes part of your sales team.
LeadVine is an online social community that simplifies how companies find new customers. Search listings and make money with the information that you already have. Top 5 ways to use LeadVine
1. Make easy money by saying two words: “How’s business?” or “How’s work?”
2. Form strategic alliances / partners
3. Earn referral fees for positions your company is trying to fill
4. Use LeadVine to find qualified candidates and save up to 50% – 75% on recruiting fees
5. Meet well connected people
How much does LeadVine cost to use? It’s Free! You pay referral fees directly to the person who referred you. LeadVine does not get involved in the transaction. There are no up front costs, no monthly costs, no set up costs. But you can repay them by emailing if you had a great experience atn info@leadvine.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and tell them your story.
Cost: FREE
Oddpodz review:
I like this idea and the site is easy to use. I’ve posted two requests. One for Oddpodz, one for my speaking/consulting practice. Here the community is your sales force. I’ll keep you posted on the fruits of the Leadvine.
(Extra Tip- for so many of these biz dev sites, you are filling our forms, repurposing your pitch over and over. Save time. Set up a file called, Promo copy, include: profiles, pitches, long and short versions, so you are not always recreating, just pasting in).