A while back we told you about one of our favorite books, Inspirability by Pash. It contains interviews with artists, designers, ad folks and others who create for a living. Scattered among the profiles are photos of different workspaces. They are not your standard 4ftx4ft cubicle. It’s easy to see how your surroundings can make a difference and amp up your creativity.
We also brought you a cool post from Alexander Kjerulf, the Chief Happiness Officer, that showcased some seeeeeeeeeriously cool office spaces.
Well, we spent the weekend cleaning one of the Oddpodz satellite offices, and lo and behold we uncovered a desk. Now, it’s time to re-energize that space, so we looked around the Web for some more cool workspaces.
We uncovered this gem of a blog and wanted to share it with you. Onmydesk.com is a site about “artists, illustrators, designers and creative folks sharing the stuff on their desks.” Lots of great ideas for sprucing up your workspace after some serious spring cleaning. Out with the dust bunnies and in with the brilliant ideas.
Check it out here.