I sure hope so. Many other cool companies like TED, MTV and Vera Wang like the hairy, cute MailChimp guy.
Switching email services is always a bear even if it’s named after a monkey. We’ve been using Feedblitz for the past year and while I’ve been happy with the process of sending out the bi-weekly mail, I’ve felt it was hard to make changes and user-friendly-ness was more stress than I, or my team, could stomach.
This week we made the jump. There are still some fleas here, but know we are working on them. For example, the ezine won’t always be this long and next time you will see abstracts and then click through button.
Before we changed, we researched several options and my design and IT team recommended MailChimp for a few of reasons.
1) We could create an ezine from our weekly blog posts feed.
2) It allows a lot more design features. We like pretty mail.
3) But most of all it did not require our community, which has gotten pretty big, to have to re opt-in. I was concerned that this would loose folks because of the hassle and did not want that.
4) The cost was about the same as Feedblitz, under $50 bucks a month.
5) The platform works well with social media sites and apps.
On the downside, we also learned that programming know how is needed to break the standard feed formats.
We hope you like the new look and welcome your feedback. We’ve also made some changes to the site which I will be reporting back on whether they were worth the time and expense.
Thanks for your continued support!
For my money, these guys are the best in the business. Great choice.